October 23, 2008


In no particular order....

1. My sister coming in my room at 7:00 am... smiling and saying.. "It's me !!"
2. Mikey and AJ stealing some Macaroni and Cheese from the Can Drive... and making me a plate down in Paula's room
3. Going to Island Broiler with Pops
4. Finding extra bags of the coolest caramel melting balls so that I can make some more kick ass caramel corn !!
5. Maxi running into my room two seconds after I text him threatening to eat his snickers
6. Hugging the crap out of Christensen
7. Listening to "Viva la Vida" over and over again in my car...
8. Charlie and my sister coming to my school to tell me that they are having a Tessa Baby for sure... Yea a girl !!
9. Wing night at the Mac Arthur's/Jose showing me how to change the oil
10. Laughing with pops watching Supernatural...
11. Kelsey asking me what truly makes me happy.. and reading her post about it

I am truly blessed.. and grateful for the good times I have on a daily basis.. Don't forget to remember yours... :>)

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