February 21, 2009

Just Smile and Wave...

What is it about waving that just makes everything okay? Everyday on my way to work there is a school cross guard that waves at every car that passes.

It seriously makes my day, as I smile and wave back. So how does a simple wave accomplish this? I have honestly been thinking about it. A complete stranger has the ability to make my day by just waving at me!! How simple and easy that is... So what is with the wave, why is it so effective? Jose MacArthur told me not too long ago that I can't let the people that hurt me... see that they are hurting me. He reminded me of the movie "Madagascar" and the following clip:

Loved that advice.... when life is wrong, or we are hurt... we just smile and wave. So something so simple as waving can not only change how you feel about yourself, but also change how people feel or perceive you. Man, why couldn't I figure this out sooner !! We should all have are arms hanging out the windows... constantly waving. Then we would be happy all day long. Seriously, try it next week... "Just smile and wave" and I promise it will be worth it !!


Jenna said...

i will do as you say, Oh wise one :) (waving at you from Orem)

Unknown said...

So true. It's amazing what one person can do! I don't think I ever really got that until recently. It's really cool how you, just one person out of so many can have so much power. Both to do good or evil...sadly