February 12, 2009

Today's Funnies

Those of you that know me or hear me on a regular basis know that I love to laugh... obnoxiously so. Today was a doozie in the funny area... so I am sharing. Just pretend you can hear me cackling and snorting as you read along. :)

Wulfie attacking Mikey on one of the desks in my room...

Over at Michelle's watching television and we come across the "Fit" station.... Um belly dancing aerobics snow on the left, and the beach on the right.... it would flip back and forth !! I was flabbergasted... I mean.. they must be hurting for variety on this station... belly dancing aerobics ????

Troy was walking around wondering why her eyesight was messed up... she kept thinking she had something wrong with her eye, or something in her eye... about five hours later she realized one of her lenses popped out !! HA

Some of my girls in Driver's Ed. had the coolest Chuck Norris folders... They said the following: "Chuck Norris had his tonsils removed with a chain saw", "Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky", and "Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits". Snorting !!

Max decided to update my picture of Michael Phelp's on my board.....


jenniho ♥ said...

Superman wears Chuck Norris under-roos....You crack me up Tam.

Cassidy Legg said...

I had a dream about you last night. I dont remember what it was about but you were there and it made me smile!

Unknown said...

You gotta love stuff like that!

::Preppy Principal:: said...

Glad to follow you too!

Hayley Jane said...

Ha ha.
I could hear you laughing!
Ha ha ha.