June 30, 2008


So, I have come to the conclusion in my old age... that we should always be willing to try new things... or extend ourselves to new experiences. There is always room for growth... and trust me I am always growing ( in size as well !!) This was my thinking when I chose to coach cheer.... I knew nothing about cheer... what I knew is that I loved kids.. Hence why I am a teacher. Well, I learned a lot from the experience of coaching... good and bad. But, as in all good and bad experiences I grew and am grateful for the experience... But, I have learned something else in my even older age !! We must be willing to try new things so that we can build relationships with people. It is these new adventures we take that lead us to people that will forever touch our lives and change us..... In my experience of coaching cheer... I have met these two lovely ladies, that have forever changed my life. So you see, trying new things whether they turn out good or bad.... always leave you with more than you started with... Because through these experiences I have added two more to "Forever Being My Peeps". :>)

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