June 29, 2009

I Wanted To Be Like Mike

I distinctly remember the first time I saw Michael Jackson move.. I was watching MTV against my parents wishes.. :) and Billie Jean came on. I was waiting for the video to come on cause some of my friends had told me how awesome he was. After I saw it I was hooked. Not so much because of the way he looked (back then he was cute !!). But, more because of the way he moved. Once in awhile there are performers in the music industry that feel their music.. and share that feeling with us... Michael Jackson did this !! I remember watching his videos over and over again with my friends trying to copy every move, copy that smile on his face when he sang, and catch the glint in his eye of happiness when he would shout. I even had a Michael Jackson birthday party.. Yep, with a white glove on the cake and all !! Of course my favorite move he did was the "Moonwalk". I remember the first time he did it at the Apollo performance... I gasped in shock and jumped up and down in excitement after he did it. It was magical !! I share this because of course Michael is gone.. but also because you know me... with him gone I have learned something. I always gotta learn.. I am a teacher after all. :) Michael obviously had good times and bad... but in my eyes the good outweighs the bad. It is not my place to judge his bad... I will leave that to someone else. In our own lives we should look for the good in others... and hold on to that when the bad appears, cause it will. We should be grateful for the good, because when we lose them we will never have it again !! I will forever be grateful for his talent, and the memories I have had in my life that are associated with that talent. Back then.. I wanted to be like Mike... Free, happy, full of life, floating across the stage, singing my heart !! It is that image that I will remember him by.

I love looking up art on Deviant !!!.... It is an obsession. Here is some cool art work of Michael...


jenniho ♥ said...

He Rocks! I could listen to his music all day long...totally agree with you on all points!

Andee said...

LOVED his music and dance too- but you know that- Vegas some years ago comes to mind!! :)