March 03, 2010

Just Say No !!

As my little Bubba gets older... I am struggling with the fact that he is associating with girls more... and getting hugs from them. In fact, I seem to over react more than his mom... big shocker !! :) But, I think that it has something to do with the fact that I work with teenage girls, and I know how forward they can be... and like the godmother cub, I will attack if you mess with my Bubba, girls !! So Carter likes to rub it in at times or get a rise out of me. The other day we had a picture text fight which was hilarious.

Carter: I hugged a girl today !!

Me: You better not !! I will kick your ass !! SCARY HUH !! :)

Carter: Oh, I am sooo scared !! Not !!

Me: Oh you better be !! See this, it will meet your ass hard !!

And so again, the lesson learned here Carter... is that I always win in our conversations !! Whether they be text, picture text, wrestling, yelling, etc. I WILL WIN !!! :) So just say no to girls BUBBA !!!


Andee said...

Whatever you say Tampa.....

Andee said...

I personally love that there is someone else out there looking out for him! :)

Anonymous said...

hhahahahhah I love you tam!

MillerTime said...

Okay, I got like a plithera of dragons to talk about! First, we are mormon!! Unless you are Itallion and are making a mafia movie, there is no such thing as Godmother. I don't care how many times you say it! That leads me to my second dragon. Sense, in the spiritual sense there is no such thing as a Godmother, how in the f#&@ do you have intiuition from it! Am I the only one saying, what the hell is she talking about. Third, Carter, it is in your name. The ladies are going to love you, like they did me. One piece of advice, play on player! Fourth, please for the sake of the donut I just ate, I don't want to throw up, do not post a picture of you pulling that face or your feet again. We don't want to see it, I would rather see a spider mate than see those pictures. Lastly, Love You