November 19, 2009

Cruisin With Tessa

Since Tessa came along... there is an added benefit to cruisin' around. One of my favorite things to do, is turn around say her name... and see those bright brown eyes look into mine and smile. She is growing so fast, and is a constant happy point in my life !!


MillerTime said...

You are so sappy it is diguisting! I just threw up in my mouth. But that is okay, because I had cheese nips for breakfast and they were really good. I don't mind having to eat them twice. It is like a flavor explosion in my mouth. I got sharp cheddar and parmesan two flavors in one bag. It was like Christmas! The only thing better would have been eating them naked on my couch watching the King of Queens on my 55 inch TV. Now that is what I am talking about. Take that Ms. Brown Eyes!

Wood Family Memories said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog.. it is so inspiring! You are such an amazing women.... I miss you so much, even though we didn't have the extra time to hang out allot I still think of you daily! You are doing so many great things in your life, you are loved by so many.... other than my family and friends I hope to find my passions and paths in life! Love ya girl, hope we can catch up soon.

Brinaghs said...

WOW Carter!! Love that picture. So cute!! She is such a cute little girl. Nelyana loves playing with tessa.