April 25, 2008


So today is DoDo's birthday. I can't believe he is eight already... so fast. I kidnapped him early morning and we went to Mickey D's for breakfast. Of course he had to do his hair first to impress the ladies.
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April 24, 2008


K so I found this cool name thingy that tells you about what your name means.... try it so fun. Yah but this is pretty much me !!

What Tammy Means

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.

You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.

You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.

You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.

You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

April 15, 2008


So I just have to share some things that my students did today that just make me happy. One of them told me that she was planning on changing her age by legally having her birthdate changed. I tried to explain to her that she couldn't do that... but she was persistant. Ha !!! Love it. Also, we had quite a wind here in St. George, so one of my students called some weather service on his cell phone and found out the the wind was blowing 42 knots. LOL !!!! K.... seriously can life get any better than this. Kids are so real, and so fun. I am lucky. :>)

April 14, 2008


My nephews.... just being them. Click on a square to see the full pic. Enjoy !!!


Dixie Flyer Stadium !!!

The girls make a run through sign.....Tan the Man and Gatch in a tender moment... Sio's buddha.. love it !!

Whitney and Megan being spazzes. It was never a dull moment when they were around.

My favorite picture of the girls I coached..... my bro coaching.....and Mikey doing his thing.

Bean looking bad..... and our mascot Freddie !!

This is my Abbie. I had the great priviledge of coaching her for two years. She might be small in size but she is big in loyalty, heart, and courage.

April 13, 2008


These are my babies... the top one is Coconut,the bottom is Zoe. They are both the light of my life. They are always there to greet me when I get home.

April 12, 2008


Me and Mikey.... he is my favorite smart ass.Not to mention I love watching him play sports. He is a tremendous athlete.

This is "My Kels". She is my daughter. I mean not by blood... but definitely by our laughs. We don't hold back on the snorting either.

Me and "My Bean".....he makes me happy if I am sad. :>) He is one of the kindest and most original people I have met. I look up to him for these traits.

Every Sunday, I chill at the McArthur's. I didn't used to like to play games but now I am a whiz at Phase 10,Rummikub, and some train thingy we play. :>) Anyway, they are my extended family.

This is "My Shell"... she is an amazing friend to me. I am lucky to have her and her fam in my life. She is pretty much the boss of me!

April 11, 2008


So I teach. Some might say it is a curse... to me it is a great blessing... Check out some of my students and you can see why.


This is my brother Carter. We have always been extremely close. As you can see he is a spaz. I love him dearly and am so grateful that he is my bro..... most of the time. :>)

Goob's and Tampa

So my nephew's call me Tampa.... This is Cooper and I. Cooper is my peace. I can just look into his baby blues and all my problems melt into nothing. Besides, the fact that he often tells me I am beautiful. Hey kids always speak the truth !!

Dodo's Dance Face

This is my nephew Porter he makes this face when he dances. It is my fav. DoDo is my heart. The kid has a heart of gold. I am pretty sure he would cry if he accidently killed a fly. :>)

Hutcher and Me

My nephew Hutcher is my laughter. He is hilarious... my favorite thing about him is his dirty looks. They are scary !!

My Fam

My Fam has been through a lot the past couple of years.... but our love is as big as we are. :>) Um we don't take the serious cheesy pics, where we all have matching shirts... Thank freakin goodness.