September 20, 2008

Homecoming Highlights

Homecoming week this week... Here are some of my favorite highlights in no particular order....
-Booing Christensen's bad reffing at the Powder Puff Game.. love teasing him..
-Coach Robinson doing the salsa dance during parent teacher conferences
-Taking tickets with Jame and Margareta
-Bean coming home to crown the new king
-Winning the game and singing the school song with the football team
-Anna Banana being on royalty
-Seeing old students and friends at the game
-Decorating La's room and yard for Mikey
-Seeing how spirited our kids are... especially with their hairdos :>)
-Thinking about Chelsea at the beginning of the game.. her spirit was there.. you coulda heard a pin drop
-Armando crowned king... he is a good kid

Not a day goes by.. that I realize how lucky I am to do what I do at Dixie... Go Big Blue :>)

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